Tippecanoe Village

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Dance Schedule
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If you have any current pictures you would like to see attached to any of these slideshows, please email them to David Schryver.

Activities Committee
Patty Wisniewski, Chairperson
Dee Joy, Assistant Chair
Laura Shaw, Secretary Ginger Thompson, Treasurer

A number of activities are available for and by, residents of Tippecanoe Village.  Most of these are held weekly or bi-weekly throughout the winter season, usually starting in November and continuing into April.  There are a few that continue year-round.  A few are competitive, but the majority are just for fun! Days and starting times are shown for each.  These events are held at the clubhouse unless otherwise noted. 


Mondays starting at 9:00 AM ... contact Harold Stark at 315-276-8744 for details.


Tuesdays starting at 9:00 AM ... pits located next to the clubhouse.  Contact Fred Carter for info.

Coffee Hour

Tuesdays starting at 8 AM ... year-round

Coffee and donuts are available.  A nominal donation is appreciated.  The social hour starts at 8 AM followed by a community meeting at 9.


Tuesdays starting at 3:00 PM but participants are asked to be there by 2:30... contact Jim Smith for details, 813-788-0971

Texas Holdem

Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 6:15 PM throughout the winter, Mondays and Thursdays the rest of the year.


Wednesdays starting at 9:00 AM ... call Sue Smith at 813-788-0971 for information.

Fun Shuffle

Wednesdays starting at 10 AM ... Courts located next to the clubhouse ... Contact Ray Thomas, 330-518-1324 for additional information.

Jam Session

Held from 2 - 4 PM on the first, third and fifth (if there is one) Wednesday of each month.  We usually start on the first Wednesday in November and end on the third Wednesday in April.

This is an informal sit-around or round-robin type of performance playing primarily classic country music, with some mainstream gospel, bluegrass and 50s rock and roll thrown in.  This is open to players and audience members who are park residents and invited non-resident guests.  For info, contact David Schryver.

David J. Schryver, Chairman, 315-486-1408
Merle "Burnie" Morrow, Assistant Chair
Paul Ferry


Wednesdays starting at 6:00 PM.  Contact Deb Bruckner, 517-231-2570 for details.                                 


Wednesdays starting at 8 AM.  This is an 18 hole league that plays at various courses in the area.  Contact Wayne Davidson, 260-414-2423 for details.

Fridays starting at 8:45 AM.  This is also an 18 hole league that plays at the Silverado, a local course.  Contact Jim Smith, 813-788-0971 for additional information.

Fridays starting at 10:00 AM.  This 9 hole league also plays at the Silverado.  Contact Rose Maupin, 813-355-3345.


Thursdays starting at 8:30 AM in the clubhouse.  Contact Wanda Stevens, 813-779-1437.

Shuffle League

Thursdays starting at 10:00 AM.  Contact Ray Thomas, 330-518-1324.


Meet every Thursday in the clubhouse, starting at 11:00 AM.

This group plans fun events for their members and the community, including day-trips in the area.  For info, contact Marcia Schryver at 315-486-8282
Marcia Schryver, Chairman
Pam Kilbourn, Secretary
Joannie Sheely, Treasurer


Fridays starting at 5:45 PM, year-round.  Contact Sue Lentner, 810-788-0343.


Two Saturday evenings a month, usually starting in November and ending in April.  The entertainment is usually live, everything from solo acts to multi-member bands.  For specific acts, click on the "Dance Schedule" link in the menu, above left.

Tippecanoe and Trivia Too!

Trivia contests are held twice a month  on Sundays, January through early April.  These start at 6:30 PM and usually last about 90 minutes.  Contact Dick Kingsbury at 315-778-9394 for information.


Community meals are held periodically.  These are put on by residents for the residents.  Some are for holidays, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, St. Patrick's Day and Easter and some are just for fun, like our annual Strawberry Shortcake Night and the Pancake Breakfast where a group of men are in charge of the event.

Fun Day

This is an event usually held each year.  It is sponsored by the activities committee for park residents.  There is food, drink and entertainment. In the past, park musicians and other entertainers perform throughout the day.  Sometimes, a deejay is brought in for an evening dance.

Park Wide Sale

This annual event is usually held on the third week-end in January.  It is an opportunity for residents to sell no longer needed items or to pick up that certain something they have been looking for.  This is an open event and people come from all over the area looking for bargains.

Annual Arts & Crafts Show

This event, held once a year, highlights the creative efforts of our residents.  Displays will include quilts, runners and other sewing projects, paintings, drawings, wood and metal-working.

Quilt Show

This is a bi-annual event, held usually in March, in the odd years.  Displays include quilts, runners and other quilt-related projects.

Strawberry Shortcake

Another annual event, this is held in mid-March, around the time that strawberries are at their peak.  One group of volunteers goes out and picks strawberries, another group cleans them and finally, a third group serves up strawberry shortcake at the clubhouse.

Event Chairs:
Myrna Mallison

Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 9:00 AM usually from early November through early April.  This group plays at a field in Krusen Park, Zephyrhills.  Although not sponsored by Tippecanoe Village, a number of residents play.  Rules have been heavily modified for the senior players.  Anyone participating will notice a mild similarity to regular softball rules.  There is a bit of trash talking and a lot of fun.  Contact Ray Thomas, 330-518-1324 for additional information.
Contacting Tippecanoe Village
As a resident owned cooperative, we have no employees.  The office is staffed by board members and volunteers and is only open on Mondays from 10 AM until noon.

TVHOA Office
34521 Iris Blvd.
Zephyrhills, Florida 33541
Phone:  (813) 782-6590
Fax:  (813) 782-6530

Board of Trustees
Lisa DuBois
1st Vice President
David Joy
2nd Vice President
Dennis Bryant
Barbara Estep
Bernice Schlicht
Chairman of Development
Severin "Skip" Erickson
Finance Chair
Bernice Schlicht
Building & Grounds Chair
Denny Putze
Members at Large
Jayne McMeans
Regina Held


Regina Held, Chair

Dennis Bryant, Chair
Neen Scott
Wanda Sttevens
Bernice Schlicht
Peggy Bonzo

Jayne Mcmeans, Chair

Fines Appeals
Don Feren, Chair

Overflow Parking
Skip Erickson, Chair

Voting Moderator
Mary Somma

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