For Sale at Tippecanoe Village This page is
available as a service to homeowners at Tippecanoe Village
who want to sell their property and are not using a realtor
for the sale.
Anyone interested in buying a home at Tippecanoe Village
is asked to NOT contact the TVHOA office.
The office will not have information on the properties.
All sales are arranged directly through the owners.
All perspective owners must have a background check prior
to buying the home. Once the sales agreement has been
finalized, the
background check form should be downloaded and completed.
Follow the instructions on the form because this does need
to be returned to the TVHOA office.
Owners who wish to list their property on this page for
sale should contact
David J. Schryver,
Webmaster, with info and pictures. Once the property
has been sold, please notify us and the listing will be
deleted to keep the page up to date.
At this time, there are no homes for sale that
are not listed with a realtor.
Contacting Tippecanoe Village |
As a resident owned cooperative, we have no employees.
The office is staffed by board members and volunteers and is only open on
Mondays from 10 AM until noon. |
TVHOA Office
34521 Iris Blvd.
Zephyrhills, Florida 33541
Phone: (813) 782-6590
Fax: (813) 782-6530
tvhoaoffice@gmail.com |
Board of Trustees
Lisa DuBois
1st Vice President
David Joy
2nd Vice President
Dennis Bryant
Barbara Estep
Bernice Schlicht
Chairman of Development
Severin "Skip" Erickson
Finance Chair
Bernice Schlicht
Building & Grounds Chair
Denny Putze
Members at Large
Jayne McMeans
Regina Held |
Regina Held, Chair
Dennis Bryant, Chair
Neen Scott
Wanda Sttevens
Bernice Schlicht
Peggy Bonzo
Jayne Mcmeans, Chair
Fines Appeals
Don Feren, Chair
Overflow Parking
Skip Erickson, Chair
Voting Moderator
Mary Somma