All dances are from 7 PM to 10 PM except
for New Year's Eve which runs from 8 PM to midnight.
For tickets or questions, call Denny Putze at 810-434-1217
or Judy Granger at 906-399-5839
Contacting Tippecanoe Village
As a resident owned cooperative, we have no employees.
The office is staffed by board members and volunteers and is only open on
Mondays from 10 AM until noon.
Board of Trustees --- President Lisa DuBois
- 1st Vice President David Joy
- 2nd Vice President Dennis Bryant
- Secretary Barbara Estep
- Treasurer Bernice Schlicht - Chairman of Development Severin "Skip" Erickson
- Finance Chair Bernice Schlicht
- Building & Grounds Chair Denny Putze - Members at Large Jayne McMeans
Regina Held